X-Ray mobile , Phillips Meditronic

Value mobile and portable X-ray units

Value mobile and portable X-ray units
Mobildrive and Mobilex mobile units, and Medico portable units
Philips is committed to making high quality healthcare available for everyone. In 2009, we acquired Meditronics, the manufacturer of diagnostic and interventional X-ray equipments. Philips now offers the Meditronics range of value mobile and portable X-ray systems that translate into an even better experience due to our synergy.

Mobildrive with high-frequency generators
Mobildrive, high-frequency generators

Mobile X-ray units with 6 KW and 3 KW high frequency generators


Mobildrive 60mA and 100mA (SA & RA) mobile X-ray units

60mA and 100mA (SA & RA) mobile X-ray units

Mobilex 60mA and 100mA (SA & RA) mobile X-ray units

60mA and 100mA (SA & RA) mobile X-ray units

Medico 30 and 50 mA portable, carry away box type X-ray machines
Medico P30 / Medico P50

30 and 50 mA portable, carry away box type X-ray machines

Stock Harga Yang Tersedia :

X-Ray Mobile Phillips Meditronic 100 mA : Rp. 120.000.000
X-Ray Mobile Philips Meditronic 150 mA , Rp. 220.000.000
X-Ray Philips Meditronic Statinery, 300 mA Rp.270.000.000

1 Response to "X-Ray mobile , Phillips Meditronic"

  1. dias says:

    Aslm..pak bisakah saya bekerja sama dalam hal penjualan alat x-ray anda..?

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